March 2024
Among Americans ages 18 to 44, nearly 600,000 are hospitalized yearly for mental health-related conditions, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. A recent study found that mental health-related visits to emergency departments have increased among children and young adults. Timely follow-up care after these visits is linked to improved health outcomes and fewer repeat hospital visits, according to the National Committee for Quality Insurance. You can help our members by encouraging follow-up care with behavioral health care providers when appropriate.
We track data for the following Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) measures to help assess our members’ care:
Follow-up after Hospitalization for Mental Illness
FUH applies to members ages 6 and older who had a follow-up visit with a mental health provider after they were hospitalized for the treatment of mental illness or intentional self-harm. FUH captures the percentage of discharges for which members had a follow-up visit:
Follow-up after Emergency Department Visit for Mental Illness
FUM captures the percentage of ED visits for which members ages 6 and older with a diagnosis of mental illness or intentional self-harm had a follow-up visit:
Tips to Close Gaps in Care
For EDs and hospitals:
For providers: