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for Providers

March 2024

Reminder: Update Your Records with New Mailing Address for Paper Commercial Claims and Inquiries

We announced a new mailing address in September for faster processing. If you haven’t yet updated your records, make note of this updated address for paper commercial claims, inquiries, appeals and other correspondence you previously submitted to P.O. Box 3283:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma
P.O. Box 655924
Dallas, TX 75265-5924

Please only submit paper claims if necessary. Electronic claim submission is preferred. See our Claim Tips page for more information.

Forms updated with the new address are available to download, including the Claim Review, Corrected Claim, Additional Information and Requests for Recommended Clinical Review forms.

The address for dental claims also has changed:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma
PO Box 660247
Dallas, TX 75266-0247

Mail will be forwarded to the new addresses while we transition.

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